8 Life Changing Habits for Students

Bob Litt
Bob Litt

If you are like most college students, you are probably looking for ways to be more effective in your studies. The good news is that there are certain habits that highly successful college students share. In this blog post, we will discuss eight of these habits and how you can adopt them into your own study routine.

Habit #01: They Set Realistic Goals

One of the most important habits of highly successful college students is that they set realistic goals for themselves. This means that they break down their goals into smaller, more manageable tasks that can be accomplished within a specific timeframe. For example, if they want to get a good grade in a class, they will break this goal down into smaller tasks such as studying for 30 minutes each day and completing homework assignments on time.

Habit #02: They Prioritize Their Time

Successful college students know that they need to prioritize their time to be successful. This means that they use their time effectively by focusing on the most critical tasks. For example, they might study for an hour before going to bed each night, rather than spending that time watching TV.

Habit #03: They Are Organized

Another essential habit of successful college students is that they are organized. This means that they have a system for managing their time, studying, and completing assignments. For example, they might create a study schedule and make sure to keep all their notes and materials organized in a binder for easy access.

Habit #04: They Are Self-Disciplined

Successful college students are also self-disciplined. This means they can stick to their goals and study schedule, even when things get tough. For example, if they have a test the next day, they will make sure to get a good night’s sleep and not party the night before.

Habit #05: They Take Notes

Successful college students know that taking notes is an integral part of the learning process. This means that they take careful notes in class and review them afterward. In addition, they also make sure to take notes when they are studying so that they can check them later.

Habit #06: They Stay Focused in Class

Successful college students stay focused in class by paying attention and taking notes. This means that they are not distracted by their phone or other classmates. In addition, they also ask questions when they do not understand something and participate in class discussions.

Habit #07: They Get Enough Sleep

One of the most essential habits of successful college students is that they get enough sleep. This means that they go to bed and wake up at the same time each day and make sure to get at least eight hours of sleep each night.

Habit #08: They Make Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Perhaps the ultimate habit of successful college students is their voluntary choosing of anything that can help improve their lives and academic performance. These may include eating nutritious foods, part-taking in a recreational activity, pursuing a hobby or passion, connecting with peers and mentors for additional information and help, etc.


Do you want to be a successful college student? If so, make sure to adopt these habits; they will help you stay focused and organized and allow you to achieve your academic goals. Here at Online Masters Colleges, we want to help students whichever way we can to contribute to students’ success. Towards this goal we also compiled many other student resources and financial aid guides.




Meet The Author

Bob Litt

Bob L has had a 40-year career working in New York’s financial industry, Federal government contracting, the professional Theater, and Las Vegas casinos. Bob now accepts consulting work as a technical writer and corporate training developer. He is also an author, screenwriter, and blogger.

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