Brand Positioning

OMC shines as a beacon of light in the vast sea of higher education. We are the go-to source for university rankings, information on master’s degree programs, insightful student guides, and valuable financial aid resources. Our brand is built on the pillars of trust, clarity, and empowerment, aiming to simplify the decision-making process for prospective graduate students in the U.S. We are committed to closing the gap between ambition and achievement by providing students with the information they require to make informed decisions about their academic future.

Brand Tagline

“Master Your Future”

Our tagline encapsulates our mission to help students take control of their educational and professional futures. It is a powerful reminder that with the right resources and guidance, anyone can master their own future.

Our Promise

At OMC, our promise is threefold:


Providing up-to-date, thoroughly researched rankings and data.


Providing a supportive online environment where students can seek advice and answers to their questions.


Providing all students, regardless of background or location, with comprehensive information about master’s degree programs and financial aid.

Our Logos

Our logo symbolizes the combination of academic excellence and digital accessibility. It visually represents our commitment to establishing a clear path to educational advancement.

Primary Logo

“The Online Masters Colleges logo signifies academic and career success from a Master’s degree, achievable online for busy professionals. The colors represent mastery (matte), financial gain (green), and the tranquility of at-home learning (blue). OMC empowers professionals to pursue both academic and financial goals from the comfort of their homes.”

Secondary Logo

“OMC is a short form logo of Online Masters Colleges that represents achieving academic excellence through a Masters degree, achcieving financial prosperity through career growth – all of which that can be accomplished from students’ homes.”

Please use our logos responsibly and in accordance with the provided guidelines. Do not modify, distort, recolor, or reconfigure OMC logos in any way.

Brand Elements


Our brand’s clean and professional typography reflects our dedication to clarity and readability. We use a serif font to balance tradition and modernity. Our primary headline typeface is ‘Nunito,’ which exudes authority and sophistication. We use the same font for body text and other information because it has clean lines and is easily read on digital platforms.

Color Palette

Our color palette is intended to be welcoming and authoritative, reflecting our status as a trusted advisor in the educational space.

Primary Color

We primarily use this color in our logo, throughout our website, and marketing materials to establish a strong brand presence.

Secondary Color

The secondary color is used as an accent to highlight important information and features on our website, adding warmth and contrast to the overall design.


OMC Green : #00ba16


Knowledge Black : #2b2e31

Please use our brand assets in accordance with the specified typography and color palette to ensure visual coherence and brand recognition across all media. Our brand elements are designed to convey a sense of trustworthiness, excellence, and support to prospective students and educators alike.

Connect with us

We truly appreciate you reaching out! Your questions and feedback are valuable to us, and we’re always happy to hear from you. Whether you need help with something specific, have a suggestion to improve our platform, or simply want to chat, don’t hesitate to reach out below. We’re here to assist you in any way we can, so let us know how we can make your experience better.